Designed by international floral designer Dr. Solomon Leong and taught by experienced instructors who are also members of the AIFD (American Institute of Floral Designers), SOLOMON BLOEMEN is an Education Partner of AIFD. All our certificate courses have been endorsed by Training Qualifications UK (TQUK) and certificate will be awarded to students upon successful completion of the course and passed the assessment.
Students who have completed our certificate courses will have acquired a solid background about design elements, design principles which will well equipped them to progress to our professional accreditation program.
At SOLOMON BLOEMEN we don’t teach you to copy, we inspire you to create!
SOLOMON BLOEMEN 花藝學校是AIFD的教育合作夥伴,我們所有證書課程是按照“The AIFD Guide to Floral Design: Terms, Techniques, and Traditions.” 設計。SOLOMON BLOEMEN 花藝學校也是英國資歷培訓的認可中心。
所有證書課程均由經驗豐富的導師授課,每位導師均是美國花藝設計師協會(AIFD) 成員及評審。